
Table of Contents

For CTS Nordics Holding AS and CTS Nordics AS, NordicEPOD AS, G.T Nordics AS, and Gapit Nordics AS

For CTS Nordics Holding AS and CTS Nordics AS, NordicEPOD AS, G.T Nordics AS, and Gapit Nordics AS

The purpose of the Norwegian Transparency Act is to promote corporate respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. CTS Nordics Holdings AS is a strong proponent of the Transparency Act. Through due diligence and other actions, CTS Nordics Holding AS ensures both its holdings and its suppliers, sub-contractors, and partner companies are in full compliance with this law thus preserving individuals’ fundamental human rights and providing for the provision of fair working conditions. CTS Nordics Holding AS will continue to support all facets of the Transparency Act in the years to come.

  1. I. Firebase

    1. Firebase stores login and data in the IndexDBIndexDB key: `firebaseLocalStorageDb` stores login credentialsIndexDB key: `firebase-heartbeat-store` stores heartbeat dates

      To find more information about Firebase cookies you can find it here.